Virtual Expectations » Virtual Expectations

Virtual Expectations

Minimum Expectations for Virtual and Synchronous (Real Time) Learning

Note: Students may not be working on a computing device for the entire time allocated for synchronous learning. At times, students will be working independently during real-time learning, away from their device, with the teacher available for support in the digital classroom.

Daily Minimum Requirement for Synchronous (Real Time) Learning

Families of elementary and secondary students in the Virtual Learning model will be provided with a schedule of synchronous (real time) and asynchronous (independent) learning opportunities based on direction from the Ministry of Education. This schedule will be confirmed in advance to support families with planning.

Kindergarten – 180 minutes

Our Kindergarten Virtual Learning classes will continue to engage our youngest students in learning through play- based and inquiry opportunities.

The programs focus on children’s learning development within four frames (topics):

  • Belonging and Contributing
  • Self-Regulation and Well-Being
  • Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours
  • Problem Solving and Innovating

Students will be assessed and evaluated by teachers following  Growing Success – The Kindergarten Addendum putting an emphasis on conversations and observations. For Kindergarten students who select Virtual Learning, our WCDSB Educator Teams will provide various community building experiences at the start of the school year. The Kindergarten program will be delivered through both synchronous (live, real time) and asynchronous (independent) opportunities, recognizing the importance of regular connection between the Educator team, the students and their peers.

 Sample Schedule:



8:50 – 9:40

Opening Community Building and Morning Meeting

9:40 – 10:30

Live Lesson & Follow Up Activity

10:30 – 10:45


10:45 – 11:35

Live Lesson & Follow Up Activity

DPA/Christian Meditation

11:35 – 12:35


12:35 – 1:25

Live Lesson, Daily Wrap Up, Prayer

1:20 – 3:00

Inquiry/Exploratory Play

Grades 1 to 8 – 225 minutes

Elementary distance learning

For those families who choose to have their child/children engage in Virtual Learning and not return to school in person, distance learning will be provided by qualified WCDSB Teachers with programming based on the Ontario curriculum.  Teachers will provide distance learning students with approximately 300 minutes of daily learning opportunities through daily asynchronous (independent learning with online resources) and synchronous (together as a large or small group and teacher-led) learning.  Students will be assessed and evaluated by teachers following Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools

putting an emphasis on conversations and observations in addition to the collection of student work submitted electronically or by mail.

The times indicated below include independent (asynchronous) learning which is part of a student’s day. The school day for students enrolled in Virtual Learning remains a 300-minute instructional day. Daily attendance for students is expected in Virtual Learning and will be monitored.

Sample Schedule



8:50 - 9:40 am

Opening Community Building and Curriculum

9:40 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

Body Break/Snack

10:45 – 11:35


11:35 – 12:35


12:35 – 1:25


1:25 – 2:15


2:15 - 2:30


2:30 – 3:15

Curriculum / Asynchronous learning


The times indicated above include independent (asynchronous) learning which is part of a student’s day. The school day for students enrolled in Virtual Learning remains a 300-minute instructional day. Subject attendance for students is expected in Virtual Learning and will be monitored.