Welcome to Wellington Catholic K-12 Virtual School

Welcome to the Wellington Catholic K - 12 Virtual School. We are excited to work with you this year and are looking forward to many exciting learning opportunities.  Elementary and Secondary students who choose virtual Learning will participate in real time, synchronous learning every day. Asynchronous work will also be expected in order to complete work assigned. Classes will be led by Ontario Certified teachers at scheduled times during the school day. The amount of time students will spend in Virtual Learning will be equal to the same amount of time as students who chose in-person learning (approximately 300 minutes/day). It is expected that students in the Virtual Learning Model participate every day; attendance will be monitored and recorded. 


Wellington Catholic Virtual School students will be assigned to a qualified WCDSB teacher (one who may not be from their school) and with other peers (who may not be from their school) in a virtual learning class. This class will have its own digital learning platform and instruction will occur online through asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities. Ontario curriculum will be taught, assessed and evaluated. Wellington Catholic Virtual School teachers will provide synchronous learning opportunities which may include whole class instruction, individual or small group support (video conferencing via Teams, phone calls, etc.), student presentations, mini-lessons and content/skill-based instruction, as appropriate.   


It is important to note that significant reorganization of our schools has had to occur in a very short timeline in order to welcome our students back to school in ways that are new to us all. As a result, programs that are unique to a specific school or have a small number of students may not be available at Wellington Catholic Virtual School. Home school course offerings may also be affected for the same reasons. We continue to work to minimize these impacts on students and families.