Earlier today, the Government of Ontario announced additional schools boards in public health unit regions that may resume in-person learning on Feb. 1.
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health was not included in this list and therefore all Wellington Catholic schools have been directed to continue with remote learning until further notice. School staff who can work from home will continue to be asked to do so. Only students with special education needs who cannot be accommodated through remote learning may attend a school for in-person instruction.
WDGPH would also like to note that school closure announcements are directed by the province and WDGPH is unable to open schools without the approval from the province. We remain hopeful that we will receive approval to return to in-person learning very soon.
The Government of Ontario’s News Release can be read in full here: https://news.ontario.ca/en/statement/60154/280000-more-ontario-students-to-return-to-class