Keeping in line with the WCDSB Inclement Weather Policy which provides guidelines for all schools, synchronous classes at the Wellington Catholic Virtual School are cancelled today.
Students should visit their respective D2L classrooms. This is an asynchronous day so no Teams.
Where possible, teachers will post instructions for review work, encourage completion of unfinished work, reminders of assignments, or other instructions to students on the class D2L page by mid-morning. Asynchronous activities that encourage a review of concepts learned are helpful and will allow families to access the learning at various points in the day. Educators are encouraged to be reasonable in their expectations. Staff should continue to be available via e-mail or D2L to students or administration at points throughout the day. As in the past, teaching staff can plan for learning, assess work, etc. during the school day.Following that time they will be focused on developing lessons for the rest of the week. Attendance will NOT be taken today! Please make your family a priority and fit the learning in where it works best for you and your children. Do your very best to avoid the hazardous road conditions and try to make some fun memories today.
Stay Safe Everyone!