Wellington Catholic Virtual School teachers Victoria Nestico and Cindy Della Croce have co-organized a Royal City Mission dinner which invites students to contribute their culinary creations to the Royal City Mission church downtown Guelph.
Throughout the year, virtual students have been participating in a Food and Nutrition/Culture course where they have discussed food preparation, nutrition, food insecurity, and local and global culture. Nestico and Della Croce shared the course, with Nestico leading food and culture and Della Croce focusing on food and nutrition.
“We LOVE ‘cooking’ up curriculum together!” shared Della Croce.
With Della Croce being responsible for grade 9 and 10 students and Nestico grades 11 and 12, the breadth of coverage in a unique hybrid course combo package spreads over the entire virtual secondary school.
To both extend learning in a practical way and serve the needs of our community with compassion and generosity, students will prepare and donate either a salad or a dessert to the Royal City Mission meal taking place on June 8.
“This online Foods class opportunity allows them to bake or create a salad dish and voluntarily serve the Guelph community in a genuine, special way," she said.
Connecting back to the curriculum, this initiative touches on safe food preparation, nutrition, food insecurity specifically related to COVID, and local/global culture, as well as both extending learning in a practical way while serving the needs of our own community. Each student within Wellington Catholic is prepared with skills that build to the Catholic Graduate Expectations. By participating, students are showing they are a Collaborative Contributor, a Caring Family Member, and A Responsible Citizen.
Although students were part of the virtual school community this year, this dinner drive provides them with an opportunity to voluntarily give back to the community. As Della Croce explained, this initiative has really showcased just how dynamite these students are, having learned the importance of volunteerism and actively showing they are willing to serve.
“One student learning from home...plus another...and another...sure can make a HUGE inspiring difference and impact in our greater Guelph community,” she said.
Masks on and social distancing in place, students will drop off the prepared food on Monday, June 7 ahead of the meal on June 8.