On August 4, 2021, the Ontario Ministry of Education released the COVID-19 Health, Safety and Operations Guidance for Schools. This plan outlines high level guidance for all Ontario school boards to follow. Since its release, Wellington Catholic DSB Staff have develop specific operational plans in consultation with Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDG Public Health) to support a healthy and safe return for all to school in September. Please see the attached document for further guidance on the reopening of schools for September.
We anticipate further guidance on certain aspects of the plan and will continue to follow the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Ministry of Education and WDG Public Health in our implementation of health and safety measures. With that, this plan will continue to be updated at various points in the school year as new guidance is provided.
We remain committed to ensuring our students and staff can learn and work in safe, healthy environments and have the opportunity to grow academically, spiritually, and socially through Catholic Education. We look forward to welcoming students and families back in the coming weeks.